Thank you for giving your vote, time, energy, skill and love. Sarvodaya USA, with 15,784 votes, was one of the runner-ups to win US$ 100,000 on a month long Facebook competition that was organized by Chase Community Giving Program. Estimated 500,000 small non profits were eligible to compete. Our campaign was a global effort that relied on the dedicated supporters. Young high school students in Kathmandu, spent countless hours in front of their computers, on the street, and at schools, campaigning for us and collecting votes. Despite the fact that we competed with organizations, which have networks and visibility much larger than ours, our belief in your support paid off. We know we couldn't have made it without you. THANK YOU! Even though the grant will come from Chase, the school that will be built and communities that will be supported will stand as a testament to your compassion and willingness to believe in good that is around us. Thank you so much for believing in the possibi...